Christine and Krogstad in A Doll's House



A Doll’s House is considered to be a didactic work exploring the weakness of male-oriented social setup. The basic theme of this novel is very much realistic and relatable as it deals with the awakening and self-empowerment of a woman who has been treated like a doll. The rationale of this novel was to present a realistic image of the patriarchal mindset and plight of women in such social setup. This novel is combination of different characters having some affinities and a lot of differences.

Mr. Krogstad

While exposing the character of Mr. Krogstad, the novelist tries to shed light upon that segment of society who is always there to exploit the weaknesses or frailties of others.

Krogstad was basically a junior to Helmer. He was considered dishonest, self-conceited and unsympathetic who is always ready to exploit others for his personal gains.

Krogstad as a Blackmailer

At first, Ibsen portrays a very bad image of Mr. Krogstad. But later on Krogstad changes his ways to live his life with the love of his life. I.e.Mrs. Linde.

Nora owing to save the life of her husband committed an irregularity of submitting a fake signature of her father to borrow some money. Unluckily, Krogstad knows this secret and blackmails her to help him to retain his post in the bank.

“The discrepancy consists, Mrs. Helmer, in the fact that your father signed thus bond three days after his death”

Throughout the initial two acts we observe Krogstad blackmailing Nora to satisfy his own motive. Poor Nora has become a rolling stone at the hands of her husband and Krogstad.

“If I lose my position a second time you shall yours with me”

“Does your husband love you so little? He knows what I can expose you to and yet her ventures?”


Towards the end of the novel we have observed a sudden transformation in Krogstad after his meeting with his past lover Mrs. Linde. At that point he realizes that he was on the wrong side of the track and accepted his mistake.

“If I could only undo what I have done”

Mrs. Linde

One of the best characters of the novel is Mrs. Christine Linde.  She appears to be a very decent, practical and mature lady with a deep understanding about dealing with different issues. She serves to be the personal mentor of Nora and helps her in self-realization.

We find strange contrast between the characters of both ladies. Mrs. Linde sensible and mature outlook towards life shows Nora’s childish perception.

Mrs. Linde's Hardships

It is true that hard times in the life bring a lot of lessons to an individual’s life. In the novel Ibsen had portrayed an extremely natural and hardworking image of Mrs. Linde, who had to work hard to burn the candle at both ends.

“Well I had to turn my hand to anything I could find-first a small shop then a small school so on”

Witty Character

One of the important traits that distinguish her among other characters is the witty nature of Mrs. Linde. It was the result of this wit which makes her a visionary and sensible person.

If we compare it to Nora she is far more ahead in terms of understanding.

“A wife cannot borrow without her husband’s consent”

Sometimes Christine serves to be a personal guide for Nora/.

“You are still like a child in many ways and I am older than you in many ways and have a little more experience”

Linde and Krogstad

In the past both of them were intimate lovers, but owing to certain circumstances they could not marry each other. It was due to this love affair that she recognizes him at once and tells Nora.

“I used to-many years ago at one time he was a solicitor’s clerk in our town”

“He is greatly altered”

Mrs. Linde as a Friend

Being a true and loyal friend she always assist Nora in every matter. It was she that convinces Krogstad to stop blackmailing Nora.

“I will go at once and see Krogstad”

It was the result of her meeting that brought reformation in Krogstad and he finally repents.

“If I could only undo what I have done!”

Critical Comments:

One of the striking aspects of “A Doll’s House” is that it depicts real life characters having a lot of affinity even with our social setup as well. Through the depiction of different character the novelist wants to protest the existing dogmas of the patriarchal society.  

Significance of the Title A Doll's House

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