“Ode to the
West Wind” is widely acclaimed to be one of
the greatest poems of English literature and also the most representative and
quintessence of Shelley’s genius. It was written in autumn of 1819 in the
forest of Arno near Florence (Italy). It is a great poem because of its
magnificent theme, poetic beauty, spontaneity, and lyrical quality. Moreover,
it offers a blend of natural and spiritual forces.
Poetic devices
are the tools that poets can use to create rhythm, harmony, enhance a poem’s
meaning, or intensify a feeling. Percy Bysshe has used various poetic devices
to enhance the literary ethos of his didactic work. Here we will try to cover
some of the most important “poetic devices” used by Percy Bysshe
Throughout the ode, we will examine a fine use
of simile for the purpose of comparison. In stanza (1), P B Shelley has used a
striking simile while giving an explanation about seeds.
“Each like a corps, within its grave”
We will again find a simile in stanza (2), Verse (2):
“Loose clouds like earth’s decaying leaves are shed”
In stanza (2) Verse (2) poet conveys a very interesting concept with the help of simile.
Like the bright hair uplifted from the head of some
fierce maenad”
Here Percy Bysshe
Shelley is giving a description of the clouds.
In stanza (5)
Verse (1) while addressing the west wind poet says:
me thy lyre, even as the forest is”
In order to attribute human qualities to inanimate objects, P B Shelley has effectively employed personification. The opening line of stanza (1) depicts a very wonderful use of personification.
“O wild west wind, thou breath of Autumn’s being”
In stanza (3), while describing about Mediterranean Sea the poet says:
“The blue Mediterranean sea, where he lay”
We will examine another use of personification when the poet describes the power of west wind.
“Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams”
P B Shelley has not only used personification, but he has also used de-personification to give inanimate qualities to humans.
“If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear”
“If I were a
swift cloud fly with thee,”
Percy Bysshe
Shelley tries to decorate his famous didactic work with the use of famous
literary device i.e. Symbolism. ‘West wind’ (symbolizes power of nature). ‘Dead
leaves (symbolizes death and decay). ‘Dying year’ (end of season) are used symbolically
According to J.A Cudden dictionary of literary terms:
“Imagery as a general term covers the use of language to represent object, actions, feelings, thoughts, states of mind or any sensory or extra sensory experience.”
Ode to the
‘west wind’ signifies a fine use of imagery.
of rain and lightning”
wintry bed”
Normally poets use exaggeration for the sake of emphasis. We will observe a very creative use of such exaggeration in stanza (3) verse (8).
“so sweet, the sense faints picturing them!”
We can also observe exaggeration when poet expresses the miseries
and sufferings of this mortal life.
fall upon the thorns of life”
Shelley had brilliantly used paradox in his ode. In order to
juxtapose contradictive concepts to reveal some truth poets use paradox.
We will find many examples in which Shelley has employed paradox .In stanza
(5), the poet says:
“Sweet though in sadness”
“Destroyer and preserver; hear oh hear!”
Normally poets use this device for the sake of asking a question in a rhetorical way. The concluding line of this ode exhibits the use of rhetorical question in an efficient way.
“If winter comes can spring be far behind?”
In order to give a rhythmic touch to his work Shelley has used alliteration at different stages in his ode.
“The tumult of thy mighty harmonies”
“Sweet though in sadness, Be thou spirit fierce”
“Wild west wind”
We all know that Percy Bysshe Shelley is a genius. We will observe this quality through his creative comparison. In the starting stanza of the ode, poet has successfully compared seeds to flying creature.
“The winged seeds,”
This ode is a beautiful blend of different and diverse literary
devices. By the use of poetic devices in a creative way, P B Shelley has
further endorsed his didactic work. He has used literary devices in a
scientific way; because he remained a student of science at oxford. Moreover
the poet has enabled the reader to thoroughly understand the hidden image of
the ode.
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